Testing Center


Kaplan’s Admissions Test is a tool to determine if students have the academic skills necessary to perform effectively in a school of nursing or other health program. The Admissions Test is a 91-question, online, multiple-choice test that evaluates the basic reading, writing, math, and science skills of students.

KAPLAN Test Content

The Kaplan Admissions Test is a timed-test comprised of four sections with a total of 91 questions. The total testing time is up to 165 minutes. The test has a tutorial section with 9 questions. There is no time limit on the tutorial and it does not count towards total test time. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the tutorial at the beginning of the test.

Reading (time allotted-45 minutes) The reading section has a total of 22 questions. Students read passages and answer questions that measure the essential skills required for reading:

  1.  Determining the logic of a passage;
  2.  Comprehending details;
  3.  Drawing basic inferences;
  4.  Identifying the purpose of a passage.

Math (time allotted-45 minutes) The math section has a total of 28 questions. Hand-held calculators are not permitted on the test. An on-screen calculator is built into the test and available for students to use for mathematical functions. Students are also allowed to use scratch paper and pencils provided by the Proctors. The test measures a student’s ability to apply mathematical principles in the following areas:

  1.  Conversions;
  2.  Operations;
  3.  Ratios;
  4.  Word problems.

Writing (time allotted-45 minutes) The writing section has a total of 21 questions. Students read passages and answer questions that measure the essential skills required for writing:

  1.  Assessing passage development;
  2.  Assessing paragraph logic;
  3.  Assessing mechanics of writing.

Science (time allotted-30 minutes) The science section has a total of 20 questions. The test measures a student’s knowledge of physiology in the following areas:

  1.  Cardiovascular system;
  2.  Electrolytes;
  3.  Gastrointestinal system;
  4.  Immune system;
  5.  Neurology;
  6.  Renal system;
  7.  Hematological system;
  8.  Homeostasis;
  9.  Respiratory system;
  10.  Sensory system.

KAPLAN Preparation

  • Kaplan suggests the preparatory text Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exams: Your Complete Guide to Getting Into Nursing School (Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exam) by Kaplan. Focus on the areas identified above.
  • There are also study guides available with practice tests, such as the Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep series that is usually updated each year.
  • The Tutoring Centers are available to assist students who need assistance in specific areas. An appointment is required. Students can make an appointment through the Tutoring Center’s homepage. Information is under the Healthcare Admissions Test Tutoring section. Remember to bring your study guide(s) with you to the Tutoring Center, if possible.

General Test-Taking Strategies for the KAPLAN

  • Be physically and mentally prepared for the exam. Be well-rested and remember to eat prior to your appointment. Dress comfortably.
  • Relax – if you feel anxious or worried, your scores will be impacted. Try deep breathing techniques if you become anxious during the examination.
  • Take care of any personal needs before the testing begins, so you can focus on performing well.
  • Be positive. Your attitude is important!
  • Listen attentively to the oral directions that are given to you by the Proctors.
  • Read the Admissions Test Instructions carefully and follow them exactly. Instructions for each part must be read and interpreted within given time limits.
  • Read the questions carefully. Work rapidly to answer as many questions as possible; however, do not rush through the test questions.
  • Indiscriminate guessing does not pay off. An educated, reasoned guess is worthwhile; however, random guessing is not recommended.

Cost for Taking the KAPLAN

The current cost is $110.00 for each administration of the test. This fee is non-refundable, so please plan your payment accordingly.

Payment Options

  • Navigation Station – You can pay the $110.00 test fee with cash, credit/debit card, check, or money order at either the North or South Campus Navigation Station. You will receive a receipt for your payment that is to be shown to the Proctor prior to test administration. If you plan to pay the day of your appointment, please arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment, to ensure you are not late to the testing session as a result of making a payment. Candidates will not be admitted to the testing session if they are late. There is no exception to this due to the test administration procedures.

Where will I test?

The test is administered at both North and South Campuses. Testing Center locations are included in your appointment confirmation email(s).

What do I need to bring with me for my testing appointment?

You will need a valid photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, passport, state ID card, military ID, or Rowan-Cabrrus Community College student ID) and your payment receipt to be admitted to the testing session.

When will I receive my scores?

Students will receive an emailed PDF copy of their test scores to their Rowan-Cabarrus student email within 72 hours of their test session. Scores are also entered into the Test Summary part of their student record.

Scheduling Your KAPLAN Exam

Only Nursing and Radiography students who have met Minimum Admissions Requirements (MAR) are eligible to sit for the KAPLAN Exam. KAPLAN is typically administered during the spring semester for fall entry and during the summer for spring entry (Nursing only). Students are allowed one initial test opportunity and one retest opportunity during the admission cycle. Information regarding eligibility and testing timeframes will be sent to you by your Advisor. Please be sure to thoroughly review all information.

When testing timeframes are available, you may schedule your appointment online, call, or email (testingcenter@corporatefilmfest.com) if you have questions. Please select the correct test type when scheduling (KAPLAN for Approved RCCC RAD or KAPLAN for Approved RCCC NUR) , as each student group can only test during specific timeframes.